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Simple Ways to Increase Productivity:

Internet Explorer - Easy Way to Scroll Through Web Pages
An easy way to scroll through web pages is with the spacebar. The spacebar will scroll down a page; Shift+spacebar will scroll up a page.

Windows - Getting Screen Shots
If you need to get a screen shot, and you do not have a screen capture program, try this: Hit the Print Screen key. This copies a bitmap of the full screen into the Windows clipboard. Start up a graphics editor and paste it in. Alt+Print Screen will capture only the active window.

Windows Explorer and Desktop - Adding Send To the Recycle Bin
Add a shortcut to the Recycle Bin in your Send To folder (usually found at C:\Windows\Send To). That way you can just right click on a file you want to delete, and send it to the Recycle Bin without having to confirm each time.

MS Office - Opening Multiple Windows in Outlook
If you want to have multiple windows open in Outlook (for example your Inbox and Calendar), Simply right-click on the new item and select Open in New Window. This makes it a lot easier to cut and paste between Outlook applications.

MS Office - Selecting Columns in Word
Selections in MS Word are usually lines or paragraphs. To make a selection for a column across lines or blocks just press Alt key while you select your text. You will see that the selection does not select all of the line. It just selects the block or the area that had the mouse over it. Try it!

MS Office - Recovering Damaged Text Files with Word
Here's a handy tip to recover a corrupt or damaged text file through MS Word. It doesn't have to start out a Word file either. This can be used to recover any file that contains text. Here's how you do it: Open Word; click File | Open and click the file you wish to recover to select it. Down near the bottom of the page on the "Files of type" section, choose "Recover text from any file" Click "Open".

Windows Explorer - Moving Up and Down Directory Levels
To go one directory deeper, use the RIGHT Arrow. To back out one directory level, use the LEFT Arrow

Windows Explorer - Automatically Adjusting Right-Panel Column Widths
The column widths in the right hand panel of the Explorer might not be the correct sizes to display all the file information. To automatically adjust all the columns at once to show all the information, Click somewhere on the right-hand panel, then simply press Ctrl+ (Ctrl and the plus key). The Name, Size, Type and Modified columns will automatically adjust themselves to display all their information.

Windows - Minimising All Windows
Three methods.
1. Click on the Show Desktop icon (if you have one).
2. If you have a Windows keyboard (one with two Windows keys - most modern ones are), you can accomplish the same thing by pressing Windows+M.
3. Press Ctrl+Esc to bring up the Start Menu, then Alt+M.
This can be handy if you've a mass of applications running in full screen... or

Windows - Fast Access to the Desktop
To get an Explorer view of the Desktop, press Ctrl+Esc or click the Start button, press R to go to Run (note: If you are using a Windows keyboard, you can get to this point by pressing Windows+R), then type in a full stop (period).


Advanced Tips:

Windows - Shortcut to System Properties
Three methods.
1. To access the System Properties screen quickly, simply hold down the Alt key while double clicking on the My Computer icon.
2. Alternatively, right click on the My Computer icon and select Properties... or
3. While holding the Windows key, press the Pause (or Break) key. This will open up the System Properties box.
From here you can easily get to the Device Manager.

Windows - Opening a DOS Window to either the Drive or Directory in Explorer
Add or Edit the following Registry Keys:

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \Directory \shell \opennew
    Default Value="Dos Prompt in that Directory"
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \Directory \shell \opennew \command
    Default Value=" /k cd %1"
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \Drive \shell \opennew
    Default Value="Dos Prompt in that Drive"
  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \Drive \shell \opennew \command
    Default Value=" /k cd %1"

These will allow you to right click on either the drive or the directory and the option of starting the DOS prompt there will pop up.

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